Monday 19 August 2013

Recent Work - Hanging Forms woven from ivy

Recent Work

Hanging Forms woven from ivy

Woven Form in Studio

I took the technique of weaving with vegetation and created a piece woven with strands of ivy, a hanging form, spherical, suggestive of an organic construction; like the Stefani it holds a space within it, but this is now inside the form. What is inside? the viewer might ask, what might emerge from this object? Womb-like, it suggests a nest, or a home for an unknown creature. It could almost be a found object, discovered in a dense forest, rather than made by human hand.

As I pull and wind the ivy, I struggle to make it secure, my engagement with this material is quite muscular; I'm fighting with its limitations. The leaves that looked so attractive hanging from the oval frame of the Stefani are here a hindrance, getting in the way of my progress.  I push them inside the form itself… and in so doing discover a way to control the strands and make perfectly regulated coils. The seemingly fragile stems of the leaves hold the woody strands of ivy in place, and as they dry they become the warp that holds the weft together, exemplifying a contradiction, a surprisingly delicate strength.

Detail of weaving


Process of decay





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